Morphological study of optic nerve atrophy and compressive optic chiasma atrophy and its clinical significances 视神经与视交叉压迫性神经萎缩形态学研究及其临床意义
Study on relationship of MRI manifestation of optic chiasma circum-tumor and visual field damage 视交叉周围肿瘤MRI表现与视野损害关系的研究
The relationship between pituitary adenomas and optic chiasma and visual disturbance 垂体瘤和视交叉的关系与视功能障碍
Objective: In order to provide morphological evidences for visual field defect caused by optic chiasma ischemia, the origins, numbers, distributions and pathological changes about optic chiasma arteries were studied. 目的:研究视交叉动脉起源、数量、分布及相关动脉的病理变化,为视交叉因缺血所致的视野缺损提供形态学依据。
Objective To compare and evaluate dose at optic structures ( eyeballs, optic nerves and chiasma) between conventional and CT simulated treatment planning for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. 目的比较CT模拟定位治疗计划和常规普通模拟定位治疗计划治疗鼻咽癌时视神经的放射剂量。
Objective To discuss the relation between pituitary microadenoma and temporal visual field defect owing to the disturbance in blood supply of the optic chiasma, and to refer to the significance of transsphenoidal operation. 目的探讨垂体微腺瘤与视交叉功能障碍引起的颞侧视野缺损之间的关系,提出了经蝶手术治疗的意义。
The small branches seen anteriorly to optic chiasma in the chiasmatic cistern were almost always the branches of superior hypophyseal artery. 在视交叉池内,垂体柄前方所见的小动脉几乎均属于垂体上动脉的分支。
The fibrous trabeculae were few in most cistern s. Conclusions Fibrous links were few in most lamina terminalis cistern, so it could not be difficult to enter the cistern. But careful and sharp dissection was important between anterior communicating artery and optic nerve/ chiasma. 结论多数终板池内纤维连系少,不难进入,但前交通动脉同视神经/交叉间需小心锐性分离。
Anatomical and Quantitative Studies of Microvessels in Humen Fetal Optic Chiasma 人体胚胎视交叉微血管的实验研究
Morphological study on blood supply of optic chiasma affected by brain atherosclerosis and its clinical significance 脑动脉硬化对视交叉血供影响的形态学研究及临床意义
Anatomic study on the structures in anterior space of optic chiasma and its clinical significance 视交叉前间隙有关结构的解剖观察及其临床意义
Microsurgical anatomy of the space between optic nerve/ chiasma and internal carotid artery 视神经/交叉-颈内动脉间隙的显微外科解剖
Applied anatomy of the optic chiasma and its surrounding structures related with sellar tumour and its clinical significance 与鞍区肿瘤相关的视交叉及其邻近组织的解剖及其临床意义
Results: ( 1) The area of anterior space of optic chiasma was 28.4 ± 0.8 mm. 结果:(1)视交叉前间隙之间的面积为(28.4±6.2)mm2,视交叉前缘至鞍结节之间的距离为(4.1±0.8)mm。
Pituitary tumor induced in rat and its effects on blood circulation of optic chiasma and optic tract, Experimental study 大鼠诱发垂体瘤及对视交叉、视束血循环影响的研究
Coronal section was taken backward from optic chiasma, the thickness was about 7 μ m. 自视交叉处开始向后取冠状切片,片厚约7μm。
In addition, labeled granules were also found in bilateral optic tracts and the optic chiasma. 另外,在两侧视束和视束交叉处均有标记颗粒。
Methods: 80 adult cadaveric heads were dissected. The shape and position of the optic chiasma and its relationship with saddle diaphragm, pituitary, internal carotid artery and the tiny arteries of optic chiasma were studied. 方法:80个成人脑研究视交叉及其相邻的鞍隔、垂体、颈内动脉及其供血小动脉的形态、毗邻。
Among the five slices of brain, the slices around optic chiasma area had the most stable infarction region. 2. HE staining show the pathological lesion is consistent with the TTC staining results. 在切取的五片脑片中,视交叉前后的脑片梗死灶较为稳定,符合大脑中动脉分布区。2.HE染色显示损伤区分布与TTC结果一致。